Friday, July 27, 2012

5 months old! we go...Ava is five months old!

The time is flyyyyyyyyyying by so fast! It really is just like everyone we are trying to enjoy every little second we have with her because she keeps changing overnight! It's so fun to watch her grow and reach different milestones...but bittersweet as I recently had to box up her newborn and 0-3 month clothes:(

At 5 months she:
1. Rolls over...when she wants to:)
2. Smiles REALLY big
3. Giggles
4. Talks! know what I mean:)
5. Bounces in her bouncy thingy...thanks mom:)
6. Sucks on her toes
7. Is a major wiggle worm
8. OH! Is eating rice cereal!

9. Drools a teeth yet

She is SO MUCH FUN. She loves the outdoors..thank goodness because Brad and I are big outdoorsy type of people. We can't wait to take her camping! Fir now...we'll enjoy our front, backyard and deck:)

Ava has been a little spooked lately with strangers... see?

However...she is getting more comfortable now and is starting to recognize more than just mom and dad...Yay!!!!! Ava is such a happy baby and we are just having a ball with her. Love you Avaleen! Now stop growing up so fast...:)

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