Monday, May 28, 2012

Sisters + Aunts

I pretty much have the coolest sisters ever.
I am the oldest of three...then Meggy (left) and Colleen (right...duh). 

I mean honestly...they are so much fun...the kindest people I know...and of course...REALLY funny! (Just like my mom and dad). I wanted to take a second and thank them for being awesome sisters and two of the best aunts ever to Ava:). We've had so much fun growing up together which is why I'm anxious for Ava to have siblings too! Brothers or sisters...(but not yet). So much imagination, adventures and laughter have helped build such a a strong relationship between the three of us.

Here are just a few examples:

1. Sledding on our sand box turtle shell in the backyard...and having to wait our turn in between Dad...hee fun.
2. Our drive across country squished side-by-side to Ohio that included Devil's Tower, the "badlands," and that awesome lightening storm.
3. Egor stories before bed. Egor the BLUE bird with the RED tennis shoes:)
4. Christmas Eve slumber parties...the best.
5. Camping at Grayland.
6. Working together to make mom's Christmas' perfect and spoil her rotten.
7. Taking the time to talk and reflect about Dad
8. Your support and excitement during the wedding.
9. Your support and excitement during the pregnancy.
10. The fact that we text constantly about everything...and I love it.      

Now we are all old and the two of them have become Aunts! And like...totally the best aunts ever:) They spoil Ava beyond belief by obsessively buying her the cutest outfits and make her smile SO big. They fight over who gets to hold her first and goodbyes take at least fifteen minutes...(and that's even fast)..whenever we leave from a visit. But I know it's all out of love! Thanks for being so much fun, so supportive and soooo super cool. I love you two very much!

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